An Unwavering Commitment to Health Care in Haiti


An Unwavering Commitment to Health Care in Haiti

Haiti has been grappling with heightened socio-political unrest, with public protests, violence, and riots becoming almost commonplace across its cities. The rise of armed criminal groups and the unprecedented level of generalized insecurity have escalated the situation, particularly in Port-au-Prince, considered the most dangerous area in the country. This compounding chaos has severely impacted education, economic activities and health care services with innumerable constraints and challenging circumstances affecting service provision.

Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Corus International organization IMA World Health since June 2022, the Improved Health Service Delivery – Integrated Health Resilience Activity (IHSD) increases access to and use of quality primary care services and contributes to strengthening the health system in six of the ten geographic departments of Haiti: West, Centre, Artibonite, North, Northwest and Northeast. 

Over the past two years, IMA World Health collaborated with the Centres pour le Développement et la Santé (CDS), Fondation pour le Développement et l'Encadrement des Familles Haïtiennes (FONDEFH), Fondation pour la Santé Reproductrice et l’Education Familiale (FOSREF), Zanmi Lasante (ZL), Konesans Fanmi, six Departmental Directorates of the Ministry of Public Health, a network of 19 local NGOs, 139 health service delivery sites. These partnerships made possible the delivery, without interruption, of primary health care to the Haitian population in six target geographic departments, achieving remarkable results in Haiti’s most perilous neighborhoods. 

Download Now Oct 14, 2024