The Management of Small and Nutritionally At-Risk Infants under 6 months and their Mothers (MAMI) Toolkit

Manuals and Toolkits

The Management of Small and Nutritionally At-Risk Infants under 6 months and their Mothers (MAMI) Toolkit

The Management of Small and Nutritionally At-Risk Infants under 6 months and their Mothers (MAMI) Care Pathway is an approach aimed at addressing the care needs of vulnerable infants under six months old and their mothers. MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience partnered with the Ministries of Health in Niger and South Sudan to adapt and implement this approach, tailoring it to local contexts. This suite includes materials on preparation, implementation, and monitoring, evaluating and learning, for healthcare providers and their supervisors. Materials are available for download as PDFs, zip files, or individual documents.