Essential Services for IDPs & Returnees (ESIR) II

Project Overviews

Essential Services for IDPs & Returnees (ESIR) II

Funded by USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) and led by Tearfund, the ESIR II project implemented a multisectoral, integrated response to improve access to essential health and nutrition services, food security, protection of women and children, WASH and agriculture food security services among returnees, IDPs and host populations in Central Equatoria State. In partnership with local actors, IMA World Health operationalized non-functional county health facilities and established mobile outreach teams, providing emergency and essential services through 6 fixed health facilities and 3 mobile health facilities to reach both settled and highly mobile populations. In addition to training staff on COVID-19 prevention and response, outreach work through community health workers raised awareness of health provision, health promotion, social and behavior change, and how to sustainably manage key health infrastructure. Furthermore, IMA World Health facilitated a referral network to improve access to specialized care through the provision of transportation to hospitals in South Sudan and Uganda. ESIR II services targeted 43,273 individuals, including 38,178 IDPs, residing in Morobo, Kajo-Keji and Lainya Counties.

Download Now Feb 14, 2023