IMA World Health Presents 8 Abstracts at Tanzania Health Summit

  • Emily Esworthy
  • Nov 26, 2019

IMA World Health is proud to share eight presentations—one oral and seven posters—at the 6th Tanzania Health Summit (#THS2019) in Dodoma, Tanzania, November 27-28, 2019.

Alex Msumanje

IMA program manager Alex Msumanje shares how, through the DFID-funded SAFE Project, IMA strives to reach women with sight-saving surgery for TT, which disproportionally affects women.

This research was compiled by IMA-led programs in Tanzania that aim to reduce childhood stunting, provide sight-saving surgeries for blinding trachoma, control and eliminate five targeted neglected tropical diseases and diagnose and treat cervical cancer.

The Tanzania Health Summit is largest health care gathering in Tanzania, drawing researchers, government officials, health workers and representatives from public and private partners and nongovernment organizations to “address information gaps among health stakeholders.”

IMA staff photo

IMA staff, left to right: Shaban Juma Rajabu, Generose Mulokozi, Saidi Mgata, Lali Chania, Joseph Mugyabuso and Alex Msumanje

Our Presentations

IMA’s oral presentation includes:

  • Health Facility-Based Counseling and Community Outreach are Associated with Improved Maternal Diet in Tanzania 
    Generose Mulokozi, Benesta Masau, Rosemary Kayanda, Osia Mwaipape, Joseph Mugyabuso, Kirk Dearden

IMA’s poster presentations include:

IMA staff with Tanzania Ministry of Health officials

At the Summit, IMA staff met with the Tanzania Minister for Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, the Hon. Ummy Mwalimu. Pictured left to right are Saidi Mgata and Sr. Margaret Ishengoma of IMA, Mwalimu, and Lali Chania of IMA.

