The team in South Sudan has been busy ensuring health, healing and well-being for some of the most vulnerable people in the world.
Thanks to partnership with All We Can, Episcopal Relief & Development, Lutheran World Relief, United Church of Christ and Week of Compassion, as well as generous individual donors, the team has been able to construct nutrition stabilization centers that will give thousands of people–primarily young children, pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding–access to the critical care they so desperately need in the midst of South Sudan’s ongoing hunger crisis. Additional prefabs are in the process of being set up in other areas of the country that are completely cut off from health facilities during the rainy season.
The work being done is having an immediate and noticeable impact in South Sudan. Take a look at images captured by Allison Shelley for IMA member Lutheran World Relief.
The people of South Sudan continue to need our support. Donate today — and make a difference to many who need it right now.