• National Nutrition Communications Campaign


IMA World Health aims to reduce stunting in Indonesia. More than one-third of Indonesians under age 5 are stunted, a problem with significant long-term implications for overall health, physical and cognitive development, and longevity. While prevailing cultural perceptions attribute a child’s small stature to genetics, the real problem is inadequate nutrition during the first 1,000 days from conception to age 2. Fortunately, adopting certain basic practices – such as adequate nutrition for pregnant mothers, exclusive breastfeeding, good hygiene and a nutritious, diversified diet after 6 months of age – can have a big impact.

To dispel myths and promote healthy behaviors, IMA and partners are implementing a national multimedia campaign with a special focus on Landak, Kapuas and Sumatera Selatan districts. The campaign has three main objectives:

  1. Increase awareness and understanding of stunting among parents, community members, government officials, and the general public
  2. Gain commitment from a broad array of stakeholders in the public and private sectors to tackle stunting
  3. Foster individual and community behavior change related to health and nutrition at all levels

After a year-long formative research phase, this year the campaign launched a national level television campaign by releasing two public service announcements focused on complementary feeding and sanitation. Additionally IMA launched and maintains a website, www.gizitinggi.org, and social media channels to reinforce key messages.The project also encourages health workers and local volunteers to create dialogue within communities through classes and support groups for parents, and by engaging faith leaders.

Key achievements

  • Reached 40,688,900 people through national level television campaign
  • Trained 70 journalists on stunting in targeted districts
  • Launched district level stunting campaigns in three districts
  • Officially launched the project website at www.gizitinggi.org
